Give your company the unique edge you need to compete for the best talent out there!
Patrick Valtin is THE expert in talent acquisition and retention in the small business world!
Your company is in a tough competition for the best, most talented and most reliable employees—the people you need for your business' growth and stability. Patrick will help you get the edge you need to attract & keep talented employees and grow your business
Companies with happy employees outperform the competition by 20%
Workplace happiness raises sales by 37%, productivity by 31% & accuracy on tasks by 19%.
Happier employees take 10 times fewer sick days and stay at their jobs longer.
Patrick Has Delivered Results For
Get your FREE trial of the

testing platform and start
hiring for happiness
The HireBox Platform is your perfect Quality Control tool for giving your hiring missions the best outcome. Based on our experience with the evaluation of more than 25,000 candidates in 30 different countries, our unique job-matching assessments and internal evaluations provide vital information about your potential or current employees. The Recru-Tec test is twice as precise as any existing psychometric test. We guarantee a 90% precision on every applicant.
Learn More >About Patrick

Patrick Valtin is the best-selling author of “No-Fail Hiring 2.0” and has traveled the globe helping companies learn to “Hire for Happiness.” Patrick will help you brand your company as one that is intent on finding and keeping exceptional and happy employees; the ones who are there to contribute to your goals and ensure you outperform the competition on every front!
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