How do you optimize your talent capital? Knowing that almost 70% of employees are feeling disengaged and un-committed to their employer, you might wonder if it is a societal problem that you need to live with.

Per a Gallup report, disengaged employees cost employers approximately $500 billion in lost work, money, and time every year. This isn’t just affecting large companies – small companies and start-ups can acutely feel the effects of disengaged employees.
JobStar: finding the root of the problem
The majority of people WANT to be engaged; they want to feel part of a great cause; they absolutely need to feel inspired (not motivated) in doing something that matters. This is human nature. And this is what real leaders understand – if you do not use that willingness to contribute, that natural desire to be part of something socially captivating, you lose self-motivation.
The JobStar is a unique professional assessment which help you, as a leader, detect why a junior may feel disengaged, un-motivated or reluctant to contribute to your success.
Are you managing people? Ask for your 50% discount on the JobStar assessment. Regular price is $598.00 – you can get ONE JobStar assessment for only $299.00.
It can used for yourself or for any exec/employee you wish to help improve their performance and/or happiness on the job. I will personally evaluate and deliver the JobStar results to that person.
Go to and use the “contact” form to request your special 50% off the usual rate for ONE Jobstar. I will personally deliver that customized evaluation to you or to any of your execs/employees.
Patrick Valtin,
CEO Hirebox.